Risk Assessment Mapping Platform


Natural hazards vary in their distribution across space, and different parts of the County face different risks. The Risk Assessment Mapping Platform (RAMP) allows interactive discovery of risk, vulnerability, and exposure data developed for each Hazard Mitigation plan. RAMP has 4 views including population exposure, parcel (property) exposure, infrastructure exposure, and damage estimations (property & assets). Use the filters on the right and left sides of the screen to adjust the mapping layers and calculate exposure summaries in real time.

Some examples of questions you can answer with RAMP include:
  • What hazards am I exposed to at my place of residence?
  • Are there any water treatment facilities in Maui County within a 3ft sea level rise scenario zone?
  • Do I live in a Tsunami Evacuation Zone?
  • Wondering where to start? Look up your home address!