
Taking proactive measures to mitigate your risks today is a strategic investment in your future safety and financial health. For each dollar spent on such mitigation efforts, six dollars are saved in damage costs incurred during natural disasters.

Funding for Hazard Mitigation

There are five competitive grant opportunities that the County of Maui can submit applications to because we maintain the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan as the Federal Government requires.

Hazard Mitigation Assistance Program (HMPG)

Is the grant that is used to update the Hazard Mitigation Plan every five years. It also is used to mitigate future disaster loss and is available after a presidentially declared disaster.

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)

Communities can undertake hazard mitigation projects, reducing the risks they face from disasters and natural hazards. The guiding principles are supporting communities through capability- and capacity-building; encouraging and enabling innovation; promoting partnerships; enabling large projects; maintaining flexibility; and providing consistency.

Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA)

Funds can be used for projects that reduce or eliminate the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Program. FEMA chooses recipients based on the applicant’s ranking of the project and the eligibility and cost-effectiveness of the project.

HMGP Post Fire Assistance (FMAG Post Fire)

Wildfires can destroy homes, businesses, infrastructure, natural resources, and agriculture. They can also increase secondary hazards and leave areas prone to floods, erosion, and mudflows for many years. FEMA’s Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) has Post Fire assistance available to help communities implement hazard mitigation measures after wildfire disasters.

Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM)

Implementing one of the 100 Congressional Community Projects that prioritize sustainable & cost-effective measures to reduce risk and/or reliance on federal disaster funding. The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023 authorizes funding for these projects.

Go to FEMA's and Hawaii's resource pages for more information on Grant Funding Opportunities.

Federal Support Options

EPA Green Infrastructure

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides guides and resources on how to increase green infrastructure in communities.

EPA Smart Growth Grants

The EPA Office of Sustainable Communities occasionally has a grant application process for projects that improve development, protect human health, and protect the environment.

FEMA National Flood Insurance Program

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)provides resources for homeowners to acquire floodinsurance. Homeowners can enroll in the National FloodInsurance Program (NFIP) through hundreds of insurancecompanies, and can call the NFIP hotline for assistance at (800) 427-4661.

Grant Opportunity Portal

The Grants Opportunity Portal is a searchable database of all government funded grant opportunities. The website also provides information and resources on how to apply for government grants.

HUD Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)

HUD block grants are provided to local governments and states to address a community’s unique development needs. CDBG has seven different program areas that all fund affordable housing, services to vulnerable communities, and programs that create and retain jobs.

NOAA Communication, Education, & Engagement (CEE) Division: Building U.S. Communities’ and Businesses’ Resilience to Extreme Events

NOAA will fund 10 projects in 2019 to increase communities’ and businesses’ resilience to extreme events. Funding per project will range between $25,000 and $50,000.

Economic Development Administration Funding Opportunities

The USEDA offers many types of grants. One supports communities that have been impacted by natural disasters in 2017; another supports communities building resilience through bottom-up economic development.

State Support Options

Hawaii State Energy Office

Promotes energy efficiency, renewable energy and clean transportation to help achieve a resilient clean energy economy. HSEO provides analysis and planning to develop and inform policies to achieve state energy and decarbonization goals with the Legislature, Public Utilities Commission, State Agencies and other relevant stakeholders; lead efforts to reduce costs and achieve clean energy goals across all public facilities, provide project deployment facilitation to assist private sector project completion when aligned with state energy goals and engage the private sector to help lead efforts to achieve these goals.

Private Support Options

Hawaiian Electric

Hawaiian Electric has awarded grants totaling $77,000 to seven environmental and conservation nonprofit organizations whose programs are aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change through education, stewardship and reforestation.

HUD Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)

Identify, incubate, and develop innovative solutions with the most impact. Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) that address a significant social problem. Programs that serve the underserved, and use technology to improve the reach and efficiency of services. Organizations and programs must focus on at least one of the Social Investment Areas that pertain to crisis response, education, economic empowerment, and/or climate impact and regeneration.

Local Support Options

Hawaii Community Foundation

is a steward of more than 1,050 funds, including over 300 scholarship funds, created by donors who desire to transform lives and improve communities. In 2021, HCF distributed$100 million in grants to the community from funds at HCF, contracts, and private foundations statewide, including $7.1 million in scholarships.

The Office of Climate Change, Resiliency, and Sustainability (CCRS)

Under the Maui County Office of the Mayor offers competitive reimbursable grants for programs, projects, and organizations that will provide a positive and progressive environmental and social impact within the County of Maui. Non-profit and for-profit organizations are welcome to apply for these grant funds. County grant applications relating to Sustainability, Natural Resource Management, Climate Action, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency Electrification of Transportation, and Green Building & Resilient Housing.

The County of Maui Department of Environmental Management

Excepting grant applications for the Environmental Protection & Sustainability Division Grants Program, which includes a new Green Grants Program for small-scale innovative environmental initiatives or demonstration projects as well as the continuation of the Recycling Grants Program that the department administers. It encourages projects related to sustainability, environmental protection, natural resource protection, conservation and restoration. Past successful projects include landfill diversion, zero waste initiatives, education, equipment upgrades, program expansion, materials collection and the collection and processing of waste resource materials. The grants are for fiscal year 2024, which runs from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. The estimated available funds, which are subject to Maui County Council appropriations, are$100,000 for the Green Grants Program and $500,00 for the Recycling Grants Program. Non-profit organizations, for-profit businesses and individuals are eligible to apply.