Mitigation actions developed during the planning process. Each mitigation action has a set of unique attributes that you can explore below.
Explore options and necessary code and regulation changes to allow greywater reuse systems for irrigation and toilet flushing.
EPA CWSRF; Staff Time
Maui Farm Bureau, Department of Parks & Recreation, HDOA, Agricultural Resource Management
Adopt the most current building codes to mitigate risk associated with flooding.
Staff Time
Mayor's Office, Planning Department
Develop a water conservation ordinance to include xeriscaping regulations to promote water conservation (Maui Island Plan Action 6.3.2).
Natural resource protection
County Budget and Staff Time
Mayor's Office, Emergency Management Agency
To identify and establish MOUs for emergency evacuation and supply chain management for isolated communities or communities that may become isolated as a consequence of disaster.
Emergency services
Staff Time
Coastal Erosion, Drought, Extreme Cold, Extreme Heat, Dam/Reservoir Failure, Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanic Hazards, Wildfire, Hazardous Materials, Health Risks
Planning Department, Department of Transportation
Identify alternative locations for emergency supply of diesel, gas, and propane on Moloka?i for a minimum of 30 days.
Emergency services
Staff Time
Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Tsunamis
Island Petroleum Fuel Pipeline
Share funding sources for building retrofits or other modifications with owners of residential buildings to mitigate the effects of high winds. Encourage the use of load path connectors, hurricane shutters, safe rooms, reinforced garage doors, replacement of non-ductile infrastructure, strengthen structural frames, inspect and retrofit roofs, gable end walls for wind resistance
Property Protection
FEMA BRIC and HMGP; Staff Time
High Windstorm, Hurricane
Department of Public Works, UH Sea Grant
Support Emergency Preparedness Working Groups to form and hold annual preparedness workshops for families in Moloka'i, Lāna'i and Hāna.
Emergency services
County Budget and Staff Time
Coastal Erosion, Drought, Extreme Cold, Extreme Heat, Dam/Reservoir Failure, Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanic Hazards, Wildfire, Hazardous Materials, Health Risks
Planning Department
Plan Integration. Integrate the hazard mitigation plan into other plans, ordinances and programs that dictate land use decisions in the community, including capital improvement programs, the general plan, recovery plans and strategic plans.
County Budget and Staff Time
Coastal Erosion, Drought, Extreme Cold, Extreme Heat, Dam/Reservoir Failure, Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanic Hazards, Wildfire, Hazardous Materials, Health Risks
Planning Department, Department of Public Works
The County of Maui will consider and adapt to all of the hazards listed in this plan as well as emerging hazards, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, that are beyond the current scope of consideration.
County Budget and Staff Time
Coastal Erosion, Drought, Extreme Cold, Extreme Heat, Dam/Reservoir Failure, Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanic Hazards, Wildfire, Hazardous Materials, Health Risks
Mayor's Office, Planning Department
Support the revitalization and expansion of the FireWise USA program to additional communities.
Property Protection
Staff Time; USFS SFA; NFPA
Emergency Management Agency, West Maui Fire Task Force, Moloka'i Wildfire Task Force, MCDA, HWMO
Establish an alternative route to and from West Maui for use during disasters.
Emergency Services
County Budget and Staff Time; Hawai'i DOT
Coastal Erosion, Dam/Reservoir Failure, Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanic Hazards, Wildfire, Hazardous Materials, Health Risks
Planning Department, Department of Public Works
Coordinate with the State to adapt State Highway Route 450 in Moloka'i at MM 15-16 (east side experiencing major erosion and undermining in the last few years).
Property Protection
Staff Time; Hawai?i DOT
Coastal Erosion, Flood
Department of Transportation, Department of Public Works, Hawai'i DOT
Support cross-departmental collaboration and planning in resilience and climate action efforts.
Staff Time
Coastal Erosion, Drought, Extreme Cold, Extreme Heat, Dam/Reservoir Failure, Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanic Hazards, Wildfire, Hazardous Materials, Health Risks
Emergency Management Agency, Planning Department
Expand Beach and Dune Restoration Projects 1) Identify and prioritize erosion hotspots for mitigation via beach nourishment where applicable. 2) Pursue Federal/State/County funding for beach nourishment and restoration (including pre-positioning for post disaster financial assistance). 3) Work with State regulatory agencies to streamline permitting for beach restoration. 4) Promote living shoreline projects instead of shoreline hardening where feasible. 5) Protect/restore coral reefs as they provide a barrier for erosion, high surf/coastal flooding and tsunamis.
Natural resource protection
NOAA Coastal Resilience Grant and NMFS Ecosystem Restoration Grant; FWS Coastal Program; Hawai'i DLNR Beach Fund; Hawai'i Tourism Authority; County Budget
Coastal Erosion, Flood, Hurricane, Tsunamis
Department of Parks & Recreation, Department of Environmental Management
Update dune restoration guidance. Provide dune restoration training. Develop an outreach initiative to encourage or establish new dune restoration volunteers/stewards. Install ADA compliant dune walkovers in identified locations.
Natural resource protection
NOAA Coastal Resilience Grant; NMFS Ecosystem Restoration Grant; Hawai'i DLNR Beach Fund; Hawai'i Tourism Authority; County Budget
Coastal Erosion, Flood, Hurricane, Tsunamis
Department of Parks & Recreation, Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources, UH-Sea Grant
Participate in the CRS program and identify opportunities across all relevant County departments and programs to improve current CRS class.
Staff Time
Department of Public Works, Emergency Management Agency
Conduct a multivariate GIS analysis to identify and categorize open spaces for the County of Maui to purchase and preserve based on highest ROI for hydrological capacity and positive impact on flood mitigation.
Staff Time
Department of Public Works, Department of Parks and Recreation, Department of Land and Natural Resources
Adopt internal protocols for how to intake, process, approve and file all new FDPs in order to ensure consistent and clear records for upcoming CRS audits. Having a more thorough digital record of approved FDPs will facilitate the Floodplain Manager achieving a greater score during the CRS Audits.
County Budget and Staff Time
Department of Public Works (DSA) for building permits
Encourage Low Impact Development (LID) approach to site development and stormwater management through development of best practices guide.
Natural resource protection
FEMA BRIC and HMGP; EPA CWSRF and 319 Funding; County Budget
Drought, Extreme Heat, Flood
Department of Public Works, Emergency Management Agency
Flood proof water and wastewater treatment facilities located in flood hazard areas and identified as vulnerable to future damage or disruption. This includes but is not limited to the Kaunakakai Wastewater Treatment Facility.
Structural Projects
Emergency Management Agency, Maui Floodplain Manager
Develop a strategy to mitigate risk to coastal roads.
Structural Projects
FEMA BRIC and HMGP; Hawai'i DOT; Staff Time
Coastal Erosion, Flood, Hurricane, Tsunamis
Department of Transportation, Department of Parks & Recreation, Emergency Management Agency
Prepare an inventory of non-NBIS bridges using GIS and create a framework for an inspections schedule to help ensure that all bridges are assessed for their structural stability during a natural disaster, and to identify and prioritize the implementation of improvements for long-term resiliency (with an emphasis on bridges serving potentially isolated communities (e.g., East Maui).
Property Protection
FEMA BRIC, HMGP and PA 406; Hawai'i DOT; Staff Time
Earthquake, Flood
Department of Transportation, Hawai'i DOT
Identify and inventory areas at risk using GIS to landslides and rockfalls and mitigate risk to these areas. Specific areas to address include Kalepa (East Maui), Kahakuloa (Central/West Maui), and Hāna Highway (in/downslope of high landslide susceptibility areas or that have experienced past rockfalls).
Property Protection
FEMA BRIC and HMGP; Staff Time
Department of Management/GIS
Improve drainage and slope stabilization along steeps areas that are prone to fail due to soil saturation, including the Kahekili Slope Repair project and other locations identified as priorities for hazard risk reduction. These include projects that protect critical facilities and infrastructure such as Pi'ilani Highway (through East Maui) and Kahekili Highway (through Kahakuloa). Develop a GIS data layer for hazard areas
Structural Projects
FEMA BRIC, HMGP and FMA; NRCS EWP; Hawai'i DLNR; Staff Time
Department of Parks and Recreation
Replace aging stormwater infrastructure at the end of its life cycle with new infrastructure designed to future, more extreme events (i.e., above code).
Structural Projects
Flood, Hurricane
Department of Environmental Management
Identify critical infrastructure, lifelines, roads, and populations that are vulnerable to coastal hazards, and encourage strategic retreat, relocation or retrofit. Maui Island Plan 3.1.2.a
Property Protection
FEMA BRIC, HMGP, FMA, and PA 406; NOAA Coastal Resilience Grants
Coastal Erosion, Flood, Hurricane, Tsunamis
Planning Department, Department of Public Works, Department of Transportation, Facility Owners
Where appropriate and feasible, provide technical assistance and administer financial support to willing property owners for the completion of projects to protect structures located in hazard-prone areas from future damage, with repetitive loss and severe repetitive loss properties as priority.
Structural Projects
FEMA BRIC, HMGP and FMA; County funds (or property owner) for cost-share; Staff Time
Coastal Erosion, Flood, Hurricane, Tsunamis
Homeowners, County Council
Implement the guidance and tools identified in the 2019 Guidance for Disaster Recovery Preparedness in Hawai?i, which was supported by Maui County. (https://seagrant.soest.Hawai? content/uploads/2019/07/HI_Disaster_Recovery_Preparedness_Guidance_Final_ 26June2019.pdf)
Staff Time; NOAA Coastal Resiliency Grant
Coastal Erosion, Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanic Hazards, Wildfire
UH Sea Grant, HI-EMA
Obtain FEMA's Substantial Damage Estimator and attend training to be prepared to use it when damage occurs; and develop mutual aid agreements with other jurisdictions to augment local inspection personnel after major disasters.
FEMA and Staff Time
Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Tsunamis, Wildfire
Department of Public Works, Planning Department
Conduct a detailed needs assessment and capital planning/feasibility study for additional emergency shelters for both residents and visitors. This includes retrofitting existing public facilities and structures to withstand up to a Category 3 hurricane (e.g., high school gym on Moloka'i).
Staff Time; FEMA BRIC and HMGP
Dam/Reservoir Failure, Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanic Hazards, Wildfire
American Red Cross
Implement the Teen Cert Hero Project and promote the culture and resiliency of youth in Maui County.
Public Information
FEMA and Staff Time
Coastal Erosion, Drought, Extreme Cold, Extreme Heat, Dam/Reservoir Failure, Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanic Hazards, Wildfire, Hazardous Materials, Health Risks
Mayor's Office
Hire a Capital Improvement Project Coordinator. Promote the availability of hazard mitigation grant funding sources (including but not limited to FEMA's HMA or BRIC programs) to all appropriate departments or agencies to implement mitigation actions.
County Budget and Staff Time
Coastal Erosion, Drought, Extreme Cold, Extreme Heat, Dam/Reservoir Failure, Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanic Hazards, Wildfire, Hazardous Materials, Health Risks
Mayor's Office, Department of Public Works
Research, promote, and support the implementation of wildfire mitigation practices for Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) and other areas identified as high risk but not covered by a current Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPPs). Practices may include but not be limited to the following: 1) Retrofit at-risk County structures with ignition-resistant materials 2) Initiating programs aimed at reducing fuel loads (removing non-native grasses and shrubs with native/fire-resistant species) 3) Prevent wildfire burn areas from being replanted with non-native vegetation 4) Implementing defensible space and firebreaks in rural developments through existing codes and development standards.
Property Protection
Department of Land and Natural Resources, Hawai'i Wildfire Management Organization, Moloka'i and West Maui Fire Task Force
Support the Hawai'i Wildfire Management Organization, the Maui Wildfire Coordinating Group, local fire task forces, and other stakeholder organizations with the implementation of mitigation action items as identified in all current Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPPs).
Property Protection
Fire & Public Safety, Maui Farm Bureau, Watershed Partners, Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife
Develop a Master Plan for the use of County owned land along the Honoapiilani Highway.
FEMA BRIC and HMGP; HUD CDBG; Hawai'i DOT; Staff Time
Coastal Erosion, Flood, Hurricane, Tsunamis
Planning Department, Department of Parks & Recreation, Emergency Management Agency
Mitigate the impacts of saltwater intrusion, exacerbated by flooding and/or erosion from Sea Level Rise, on utilities, ecosystems and other public facilities.
Property Protection
FEMA BRIC and HMGP; NOAA Coastal Resilience Grants; USACE Section 14
Costal Erosion, Flood
Department of Water Supply, Department of Environmental Management, Department of Parks & Recreation
Establish a revolving fund that can support grant matching funds for hazard mitigation and climate action strategies.
County Budget and Staff Time
Coastal Erosion, Drought, Extreme Cold, Extreme Heat, Dam/Reservoir Failure, Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanic Hazards, Wildfire, Hazardous Materials, Health Risks
Emergency Management Agency, Planning Department, Department of Environmental Management
Support the development of a network of community resilience hubs across Maui County that complements the emergency preparedness, response and recovery efforts of the MEMA.
Emergency services
County Budget and Staff Time
Coastal Erosion, Drought, Extreme Cold, Extreme Heat, Dam/Reservoir Failure, Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanic Hazards, Wildfire, Hazardous Materials, Health Risks
Emergency Management Agency, Planning Department
Increase the number of NFIP-trained staff members, including those who are Coastal Zone Management planners, working to support the County's floodplain management program to build administrative capacity and increase performance efficiencies. Have each plan reviewer and building inspector attend a training or workshop related to floodplain management. Sponsor a periodic NFIP workshop for local surveyors and builders. Encourage or require more County staff positions to obtain and maintain Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) certification, ideally having 2-3 dedicated CFMs optimizing the flood program.
County Budget; FEMA Emergency Management Institute
Mayor's Office, FEMA Training Center, Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM)
Conduct information sessions regarding the NFIP for public officials and appointees of the Flood Management Program with an emphasis on the importance of the County's participation in the NFIP and the impact of failing to enforce requirements.
Public Information
County Budget and Staff Time
County Council
Maintain NFIP Compliance. Continue to maintain good standing and compliance under the NFIP through implementation of floodplain management programs that, at a minimum, meet the NFIP requirements: enforce the flood damage prevention ordinance, participate in floodplain identification and mapping updates, provide public assistance/information on floodplain requirements and impacts.
County Budget and Staff Time
County Council, Department of Public Works
Promote public education and involvement related to natural hazards awareness preparedness. (Maui Island Policy 3.1.4a)
Public Information
County Budget and Staff Time
Coastal Erosion, Drought, Extreme Cold, Extreme Heat, Dam/Reservoir Failure, Earthquake, Flood, High Windstorm, Hurricane, Landslides, Tsunamis, Volcanic Hazards, Wildfire
Mayor's Office, Department of Public Works, Department of Water Supply (collaborate with some of their events?)
Coordinate with industry stakeholders to develop alternative sources of irrigation water including wastewater reuse, recycled stormwater runoff, and brackish well water.
EPA CWSRF; Staff Time
Maui Farm Bureau, Department of Parks & Recreation, HDOA Agricultural Resource Management
Increase water storage and development of additional capacity in Upcountry Maui and other areas susceptible to drought and encourage efficiency in conservation programs. Maui Island Plan 3.1.2
Natural resource protection
FEMA BRIC and HMGP; EPA CWSRF and 319 Funding; County Budget
Planning Department, Department of Public Works
Implement the mitigation actions identified in the existing and future drainage master plans.
Structural Projects
Planning Department
Identify permanent and temporary facilities that could be used as cooling centers for vulnerable populations as extreme heat events become more intense/more frequent.
Emergency services
Staff Time
Extreme Heat
American Red Cross, Department of Parks & Recreation
Promote the availability of flood insurance to property owners in areas subject to flooding but not located within FEMA-mapped special flood hazard areas, with an emphasis on the ability to purchase for lower premium rates (via preferred risk policies).
Public Information
County Budget and Staff Time
Planning Department
Provide funding support to the University of Hawai'i (Coastal Geology Group) to complete shoreline erosion studies to include Moloka'i and Lāna'i and continue to update studies for Maui.
FEMA BRIC; NOAA Coastal Resilience Grant; USACE; County Budget
Coastal Erosion
Emergency Management Agency
Propose an amendment to the Zoning Code to prohibit building schools, daycare centers or other facilities that serve vulnerable populations, in tsunami evacuation zones.
Staff Time
Emergency Management Agency
Establish an ad-hoc mobile application allowing "on-the-ground" recorded observations of flooding from citizens to create a high-resolution GIS layer of flooding spanning all county parcels.
Emergency services
County Budget and Staff Time
Department of Public Works, Department of Water Supply, Department of Environmental Management, Emergency Management Agency, Department of Parks & Recreation, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, Department of Land and Natural Resources, County GIS