Plan Maintenance 

Maintaining and updating our Hazard Mitigation Plan is a critical part of our commitment to the safety and well-being of Maui County. This ongoing process ensures our strategies are effective and evolve to meet changing needs and circumstances.

Lead Responsibility

The Maui County Emergency Management Agency and specifically the Hazard Mitigation Officer have lead responsibility for overseeing the implementation and maintenance of the Hazard Mitigation Plan. This includes coordinating with different county departments, supervising plan implementation, and conducting regular plan reviews and updates.

Learn more about the roles and responsibilities of the Hazard Mitigation Officer.
Steering Committee

The Steering Committee is a volunteer body that plays an invaluable role in our hazard mitigation efforts. The committee oversees the development and implementation of mitigation actions, ensuring our strategies are comprehensive, effective, and representative of our community’s needs.

For more information, visit our Planning Process page.
Progress Reports & Updates

Together, the Hazard Mitigation Officer and the Steering Committee generate progress reports, which track our progress, highlight achievements, and identify areas for improvement. When necessary, they will also lead the process to update the Hazard Mitigation Plan, ensuring it remains relevant and effective in protecting our community.

To view recent progress reports or learn more about the update process, see our Plan Updates and Progress Reports.
Authority and Assurances

The County of Maui is committed to maintaining compliance with all applicable Federal laws and regulations, especially during periods for which it receives grant funding, in accordance with 44 CFR 201.6. The Hazard Mitigation Plan will be amended whenever necessary to reflect changes in City, State, or Federal laws and regulations.

For more information on our compliance and legal responsibilities, visit our Authority and Assurances page
Evaluating Plan Effectiveness

Annually, the Hazard Mitigation Officer will generate Progress Report that includes progress made toward implementing mitigation actions, hazard occurrences and impacts, and public outreach and engagement. The report will also include how hazard mitigation plan goals were incorporated into other County plans. The Steering Committee will meet to review the Progress Report. This report will be used toward development of the 5-year plan update.

View Reports