Goals & Objectives

The HMP Steering Committee established the following goals to guide the development of this Plan and mitigation actions.

Mitigation Strategy Viewer
Mitigation goals represent broad statements that are achieved through the implementation of more specific mitigation actions. To be more specific; actions are identified of an activity or process that is intended to reduce or eliminate risk to natural hazards in alignment with the mission statement and goals of the plan.


Protect the life, health, safety and welfare of Maui County residents and visitors.

Our utmost priority is to safeguard the life, health, safety, and welfare of the residents and visitors of Maui County. We aim to develop comprehensive strategies that minimize the risk of hazards, improve disaster preparedness, and ensure a quick recovery when disaster strikes.

Remember, the safety and welfare of Maui County’s residents and visitors is a shared responsibility. Your understanding, preparedness, and cooperation play a vital role in the overall resilience of our community.

Emergency Services

Learn about the role of emergency services in hazard mitigation, from early warnings to post-disaster response and recovery.


Promote the long-term resilience of the County’s economic, environmental, historical and cultural resources.

Maintaining the integrity of Maui County’s rich resources is at the heart of our hazard mitigation efforts. Our strategies are designed to not only protect these assets from potential hazards, but also to enhance their long-term resilience, ensuring they continue to thrive for future generations.

Preserving our resources is an ongoing task that requires a collective effort. As a community, our awareness and actions contribute significantly to the preservation and resilience of Maui County’s treasured resources.

Economic Resilience

Learn about our commitment to safeguard and bolster the county's economy in the face of potential hazards, while fostering growth and innovation.


Protect and adapt property and infrastructure from the impacts of natural hazards and climate change.

Our infrastructure and properties form the backbone of Maui County. We are committed to not only protecting these essential assets from potential hazards, but also ensuring that they can adapt and continue to serve our community under changing climatic conditions.

Protecting and adapting property and infrastructure from the impacts of natural hazards and climate change is an ongoing effort that needs everyone’s participation. We encourage all residents and visitors to familiarize themselves with these efforts and join us in making Maui County a safer place.

Infrastructure Protection

Learn about our proactive strategies to protect the county’s infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and utilities, from natural hazards and the impacts of climate change.

Climate Change Adaptation

Understand our approach to climate change adaptation, and the ways we are ensuring our built environment can meet future climate conditions.

Hazard Mitigation Planning

Explore our comprehensive hazard mitigation planning, which encompasses assessment, planning, implementation, and review processes to safeguard property and infrastructure.


Improve awareness and mitigation of risks associated with natural hazards and climate change.

Awareness is the first step towards effective hazard mitigation. We are dedicated to improving understanding and promoting proactive measures to mitigate the risks associated with natural hazards and climate change within our community.

Improving awareness and promoting risk mitigation is a shared responsibility. By staying informed and taking proactive steps, we can all contribute to making Maui County a safer and more resilient place in the face of natural hazards and climate change.

Risk Mitigation Strategies

Discover the wide range of risk mitigation strategies we have implemented to lessen the impacts of natural hazards and climate change in our county.

Climate Change Information

Understand the specifics of climate change and its potential impacts on Maui County, as well as the actions we can all take to help mitigate these risks.


Enhance the implementation of this Hazard Mitigation Plan through active involvement and Plan integration across all County Departments.

Cooperation and collaboration among all County Departments are key to successful hazard mitigation. We aim to ensure the active involvement of all departments and integrate the Hazard Mitigation Plan across all county functions and operations.

Active involvement and plan integration across all County Departments ensure that our Hazard Mitigation Plan is robust, well-rounded,and capable of addressing all potential hazards. Everyone’s contribution, from department leaders to employees, plays an essential partin safeguarding Maui County.

County Departments Involvement

Learn about the crucial role each County Department plays in implementing the Hazard Mitigation Plan, and how their respective roles contribute to overall hazard mitigation.

Performance Metrics and Evaluation

Explore how we measure the effectiveness of the Hazard Mitigation Plan's implementation through various performance metrics and evaluation mechanisms.